Explore My Resume

Learn more about my personal background, skills, and experiences in computer science and software engineering.

Discover My Professional Journey

Explore my Linkdin profile to gain insights into my experiences, skills, and academic background. I'm a Computer Science major at The University of Minnesota Twin Cities and and am working towards becoming a software engineer. I am a fellow in Headstarter AI, Colorstack, NSBE, Codepath and am sm intrested in learning as much as possible. Dive into my projects, and academic achivements to see how I am coding for tommorows solutions.

Explore my Code and Projects

Check out my Github profile to see the projects I am passionate about. From CSS to HTML designs like this one to colaborating coding efforts my repositories showcase my commitment to software developemnt and continuous learning. Dive into my code and get a sense of my technical skills and probelm solving.

About Me

From the time I was a kid, I've always been drawn to science and math. As I grew older, my dream of becoming an engineer became clearer, but I still needed to find my niche. After digging into different fields, it became evident that computer science was where I belonged. In my junior year, I took a class that introduced me to JavaScript and the world of software engineering. It clicked instantly. Now, as I dive into Python, it's become my favorite subject. I'm even planning to be a teaching assistant next semester. Computer science isn't just a major for me; it's my passion and my ticket to shaping a better future.

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